
Did Charlie Munger have a bucket list? 2023

Did Charlie Munger have a bucket list?

Billionaire Charlie Munger, who died at the age of 99, talked to CNBC before his birthday on January 1st of the next year and imparted some of his life lessons. He also discussed why he gave up his bucket list.

fishing and checking things off a bucket list

Munger said, “That’s an interesting question,” as if the query about his bucket list had made him laugh. Compared to when I was 96, I am so old and frail that I no longer wish to capture a 200-pound tuna because it requires too much physical effort and labor.” “So no, I don’t; in my younger days, I would have paid everything to capture a 200-pound tuna. also read OnePlus 12 look revealed: Check expected features, color options, launch date

Did Charlie Munger have a bucket list?
Did Charlie Munger have a bucket list? 2023

I was never successful in catching one. And if I were given the chance right now, I would just say no. With time, I believe you give up,” he continued. Mostly recognized for his investment methods, Munger made a comparison between investing and fishing in 2017, according to a Business Insider article. “Fishing where the fish are is the first rule of fishing, according to a buddy of mine. Never forget the first rule when it comes to fishing. We now know where the fish are to fish.”

On unjust benefits and seizing chances

In response to a question about whether he still leads a highly busy and social life, Munger told CNBC that he views that as old age. “It is how I like it. That is what I consider to be old age. It happened without my planning. And I was happy when it occurred.” “I am very good at recognising unfair advantages and I got unfair advantages in old age the way I got an unfair advantage in non-old age,” he continued, attributing his busy lifestyle to “unfair advantages” that he recognises. also read OnePlus 12 look revealed: Check expected features, color options, launch date

Did Charlie Munger have a bucket list?
Did Charlie Munger have a bucket list? 2023

And I simply grabbed them when they arrived, boom, boom.”

In response to questions about his extravagant lifestyle, Munger stated, “Warren (Buffett) and I both lived in the same house for decades after decades after decades. Our friends all became wealthy and constructed better homes, and we both thought of doing the same. Even after having a large family, I made the decision not to live a life that made me resemble the Duke of Westchester or something similar.

I was not going to do that. I intentionally did it.” Munger responded to a question on CNBC by saying, “I didn’t think it would be good for the children.” You believe it is your obligation to live a lavish lifestyle because you come from a wealthy family. Everyone else is spending their money in the same way.”

When writing his own obituary, Munger shared with CNBC some advice he once given Buffett: write his own obituary the way he wants it to be read, then live his life doing what he want to have written. Munger declared, “If they want to disregard my obituary, that’s fine with me; after all, I’ll be dead, what difference will it make? also read OnePlus 12 look revealed: Check expected features, color options, launch date

I wrote it the way I’ve lived my life. and do, but it seems like a good idea to me.”  He continued by saying that he would write the same obituary for himself now as he would have when he was in his 30s. “In general, I support the soldier-on system. There will be many challenges, which you must rise to by persevering through, and occasionally, exceptional chances will present themselves; you must develop the ability to spot them when they do. “Those are basic lessons in life,” he stated.

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